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Mr. Yin, General Manager of Sanhua Auto, visited Cloudchild Technology for inspection and exchange
Author:Cloud Child Technology    posted on:2021-11-05

On the morning of October 30, Mr. Yin, general manager of Zhejiang Sanhua Auto Zero, visited Cloudchild Technology, and had an in-depth exchange and inspection of product development verification, testing experiments and intellectual property layout, and had a detailed understanding of our company's personnel management, product quality, etc.

At the exchange meeting, Mr. Liao Guangchao, the chairman and general manager of the company, briefly explained the actual situation of the company, the technical route and product trend of joint product development and future cooperation with Sanhua Auto Zero, and then conducted in-depth exchanges on these topics.

In the process of mutual communication and mutual learning, Mr. Yin expressed his recognition of our company's work and high expectations for our company. It is hoped that we will continue to improve the comprehensive strength of the enterprise, enhance the technical content of all aspects, improve the status and reputation in the industry, and prepare for more cooperation between the two parties in the future.

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